A peek behind the scenes…

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that this platform would grow to become what it is today: a beautiful community of fellow travellers, united in their decision to choose thankfulness.

You see, 30 Days of Thankfulness began as a simple challenge among friends.

Let me take you on a tour behind the scenes.

Here’s a front row seat to my own journey toward thankfulness. You’ll find my meaderings in their rawest form, sometimes through gritted teeth, staying the course as we all faced the challenges that are now synonymous with 2020. It’s from this authenticity that Choosing Thankfulness emerged.

And this? This is the 30 days that started it all.

Let it serve to encourage YOU wherever you find yourself in your own story.

Oh – and while you’re here, don’t forget to download your own copy of my FREE 30 Days of Thankfulness challenge, so that you can enjoy gentle prompts to inspire you toward gratitude, right here in the middle of everything.

Thankful for you!

Kristy x

Browse the 30 Days of Thankfulness that started it all…

Read these already? Join me here to find more hope-soaked grace for your soul.

Oh – and if you haven’t already, I’d love for you to join our beautiful communities over on Facebook and Instagram where most days I bring you inspiration and reminders to lean into the grace that each day has for you. And remember to subscribe for more encouragement and solidarity, straight to your inbox!

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