Monday 30 March. Today’s image is a snippet of last night’s sunset from our deck. I’m feeling blessed with this pretty neat spot to live out a lockdown! It’s so easy to shut the curtains and miss it, but tonight we chose to experience the colours of sunset in their full glory.

I’m thankful that no matter what we each face, or what our days hold, each sunset brings the end of one day and with sunrise dawns a new one.

With new days come new opportunities and a fresh dose of grace.

May you be able to find a moment to pause, breathe deep, and appreciate the beauty that is around you today, in whatever shape or form that might take.

Kristy x

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1 Comment

Soul Grace #12 : beauty - Choosing Thankfulness · May 19, 2020 at 4:43 pm

[…] recognise beauty in the chaos and find beauty in simplicity. But today I’m talking about beauty that you see, or experience, that makes you stop and catch your breath for a moment, when you let […]

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