Tuesday 31 March. Today I’m thankful that hubby lost the moustache!! Haha but seriously…

I’m thankful for the hardworking team at Auckland Home Educators who moved Edible Book Day online this year! Tomorrow is D-day and our girls have each been cooking up a storm. Ok yes, there’s been some eating along the way already, because who can help that?!! 

Actually that brings me to a second point of gratefulness for today… I’m also thankful for the creativity and flexibility of our girls. We were intending to attend the Franklin Edible Book Day in one week’s time. Today actually marks a week for us, personally, in lockdown, which means that we simply don’t have the ingredients we need to match their carefully crafted plans (they’d been working on them for weeks), and especially NOT in time for the online date of tomorrow!

These three have not only had to pull forward the timeline, but throw out their original ideas, start from scratch and adapt to what they could find in our pantry. Their imaginations are inspiring, they really do love being in the kitchen and I can’t wait to see (and taste) what emerges! 

Kristy x

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