Wednesday 1 April. I’ve been deliberately writing gratefulness posts this past week, because I am. I really am grateful and counting the many blessings around me. But in the middle of all this there is also grief. Grief for what “should have” been (like my sister’s wedding); for the difference between what was, what was expected, and what is.

Don’t get me wrong, I think this lockdown was an important call to be made, especially to protect our most vulnerable. But it being right doesn’t make it easy.

So today I’m choosing to be grateful for time. Time to be, time to pause, time to ponder and time to pray.  The verse below is one that has been close to my heart: God is here, and I’m thankful that where my strength fails, His never does.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1-2

I’m also writing this to remind us all (including me) that adjusting to a new norm takes time. It’s ok to take the space we need, to be kind to ourselves as well as each other, and to drop that to-do list off a cliff for now!

I know I have.

Kristy x

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day 23 : of grey clouds and sunshine - Choosing Thankfulness · April 17, 2020 at 11:16 am

[…] friend reminded me the other day (and it came up in my Day 7 : time to be real post) that grief is the difference between your expectations, and the reality you encounter. No […]

Soul Grace #4 : notice - Choosing Thankfulness · April 28, 2020 at 3:02 pm

[…] so on. We’re not quite sure exactly what will unfold from here, and the struggles have been real. The chaos is […]

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