Thursday 2 April. Having a project to work together on as a family has turned out to be a real blessing in the middle of everything. For us, that’s what Nonsense News has been. Each episode features around five minutes of news commentators, ads, weather reports, traffic updates and in general, a whole lot of giggles and family fun. So much appreciative feedback from others has meant that this one-off project has continued to grow. In fact, today my thankfulness journaling has coincided with the release of Episode 4! (Not bad for 8 days since lockdown began, eh?!)

We’re undecided whether this is the right forum in which to share our YouTube links (sorry!) but the bottom line of what I’m saying here, is my how thankful I am for the way that this family project has brought together our ideas. It turns out that we spur each other on in the middle of the craziness, and the ideas just keep on flowing! There’s a cohesion in the chaos that we couldn’t orchestrate on our own. And I could even go as far to say that this has helped to hold each of us together through some of the tougher days.

Our primary hope with Nonsense News is always that it brings a smile to the faces of those who view it. My hope as you read today’s post is that you might find a reason to smile, too.

Kristy x

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