Thursday 9 April.

It’s been an interesting day here. Our kids are very much missing “actual” interactions with friends (and hey, I confess that us adults are, too) and today that has translated into variations of frustration, boredom, a headache for one of us, and some general sadness (amongst the usual imagination, creativity, ingenuity and lots of reading). I’m sure the rain has something to do with it. But there’s also a reality here that I think is important to acknowledge. 

I find myself grateful for the privilege of walking alongside the little (& in many ways, not-so-little) people in my bubble. From them I can learn so much, but I also get the responsibility of helping them through all the feels that come with living in these unprecedented times. I’ve lost track of how many times Sven’s (yup, I’m quoting reindeer) Frozen 2 song line, “You feel what you feel, and those feelings are real,” has come out of our mouths lately! (Then there’s Olaf’s awesome line about controlling what he can even when he doesn’t understand, and “the next right thing,” – that song!! – but I digress!)

“You feel what you feel, and those feelings are real.”

Sven, Frozen 2 (yup, I really am quoting a reindeer…)

So that’s what I’m thankful for today: the privilege and responsibility of walking and growing alongside my children, today and every day. This, at the moment, comes complete with lots of extra-big, extra-long hugs. A friend of mine has a “cuddle chair” in her home and I’m thinking she might be onto something!

Oh, and teaching my kids to play “real” scrabble tonight was a special way to end the day.
Even if it did make dinner super late… whoops!

Kristy x

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