Sunday 12 April. Feeling a bit teary today, for no real reason except that I think emotions are high – it’s part of this roller coaster that we’re all on. For us, Easter Sunday is a significant day in our home, a core of our faith. Jesus came to bring life out of lifelessness, hope out of hopelessness and peace in the middle of the storm.

Thanks to Him, I am able to rejoice in all circumstances (even when sometimes that rejoicing comes retrospectively). Today I’m so grateful for the hope I have in Jesus, that’s there’s a hope beyond me and what I can see. That truth has held me together more times in my life than I can count, and carried our family through some incredibly tough times. (Yup, that brought tears to my eyes again as I wrote it!)

Easter Sunday is the day that we usually give each other Easter eggs. For us they symbolise that, just like the eggs are hollow, the grave was empty on the day that Jesus rose. Because of lockdown, this year we weren’t able to get any store-bought Easter eggs. However, we were still able to order various types of chocolate as part of our online grocery shop. (The previous week we missed out, so I ordered extra this time just in case… and it all turned up whoops!)

Together we melted down chocolate, mixed through coconut oil, pistachios, chopped marshmallows and diced apricot to form a ring of rocky road. The centre was empty, just like the tomb. So amid lots of sticky chocolatey-ness, our family created (and ate!) a memory that will last beyond the lockdown. Something else to be thankful for!

Some sticky chocolatey-ness for Easter!

My heart goes out to each of you who are walking out a tough part of your journey right now. Please know that you are not alone. May you know the hope and grace that Jesus has for you. Right here in the middle, in the weariness and the storm.

Kristy x

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