Just like that, Advent starts today, here in New Zealand.

For us it’s on the back of a challenging few months, of a challenging few years, and to top it off we’re currently recovering from the very illness that we’ve spent our last three years avoiding. But December is here, like it or not. Which means that somewhere in that mix, Christmas is coming. Too soon?

I don’t think I’m ready for this!

But perhaps, that’s exactly what happened that first Christmas.
I’ll bet Mary didn’t feel ready.
Or Joseph.
Those shepherds, settled in with their sheep, were thoroughly interrupted!
Those wise men didn’t know what they’d find as they followed the star.
And the innkeeper. You know, the one who had no room.
Did he regret that? Did he know what he’d turned down, as he shut the door?
Sometimes I wonder, if we aren’t all a little bit like that innkeeper.
It’s so easy to have no room left; no time left; no patience left; and, well… nothing left for what’s coming.

Especially at this time of year.

But what I’m feeling thankful for today?
Is that Jesus came, anyway.
To the mess,
the chaos,
the disagreements,
the division,
the confusion…
He came.

Our living Hope.

Today, my prayer for you is that you would experience hope, even in those dark places.
That a glimmer of hope would shine through the challenges you face, and whisper gently to your soul.

Looking for a way to gently welcome this Advent season, even here in the middle of your hard?
I invite you to download my freebie: 12 hope-soaked prompts for Advent.
Let it be a gift, from my heart to yours.

Because hope is always ready, even when we’re not.

May hope light your path this season.
Thinking of you, friend.

Kristy x

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