
Hope is soaked in rainbows. They bring delightful stories of leprechauns and gold, of chasing adventure and of bravehearted souls. And they carry the story of Noah and his family, whom God graced with seeing the very first rainbow. For him it was a promise of the joy that follows Read more…


Recently, as we gathered with family, conversation took a natural turn toward recollections of childhood antics. Between stifled giggles and story upon story, I sat transfixed. Thoroughly absorbed in the memories unfolding. One thought would lead to another, which in turn would lead to another. Each family member would have Read more…


Have you ever thought about the fact that sometimes it takes a tremendous amount of strength to rest? Sometimes it takes a lion’s strength to say ‘no’ to your never-ending to-do list. It takes strength to set time aside in an already-busy schedule. It takes strength to pare your calendar Read more…