That feeling swirling in your belly right now,
that sense that you’re going around in circles…
what if it’s not about reacting, like you thought it was?
What if it’s about resolving?
As in, what you resolve to do,
as a result?

Let’s backpedal for a moment. You know those seasons.  The ones that feel like one curveball after another.  Before you have time to catch your breath the next one is upon you… and life just keeps rolling on.

When they’re flying your way hard and fast, it’s easy to think that your life is little more than a series of reactions.  Of knee jerk responses to what you’re facing.  That you’re blown about by the wind, tossed by your circumstances, and still floundering.

But what if that’s not it, at all?

What if you looked at it differently? What if you allowed yourself to believe that each time you’re confronted with something that spurs on a visceral reaction in you, that you’re actually then making a series of choices?  Decisions regarding what to do with that newest piece of information?

What if you looked at it differently?

That you’re resolving to do something, as a result.

Will you resolve to react the same way every single time you’re faced with an echo of that original experience?

Or will you resolve to protect your peace?
To create new boundaries?
To find new parameters to help you to make sense of what happened?

Chances are that you’ve already made a resolve as a result, but you thought it was just another reaction. 

You just figured it was another knee jerk response to the emotional distress you found yourself in.
And that you were running on almost-empty, yet again.

But, what if you noticed that this decision – this resolve – is a sign of healthy growth and maturity? 

That it’s a pretty big deal that you were able to read a situation and adjust accordingly, without being spun out for months or even years, like last time? 

That being able to untangle those thoughts and emotions from amongst themselves is a feat worth celebrating all of it’s own?

That you can set firm guidelines in place that will – to the best of your ability – inhibit a repeat exercise?

That finding the right word could make all the difference?

It’s uncomfortable.  That’s true.  

But, friend, growth doesn’t alway look linear.
Sometimes it finds you circling the same old paths over and over again.
You wonder if it will ever end.

Until you realise that it was just your runway to the open sky,
and your real destination is somewhere you can only soar toward
because of the momentum gained through all that circling.

Your real destination is somewhere you can only soar toward
because of the momentum gained through all that circling.

Because in the end?
Life’s not only about reacting.
It’s about resolving.
What you resolve to do,
as a result.

And with that realisation,
you can begin leaning into grace,
and take a faltering step toward freedom.

Thankful for you,

Kristy x

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