Psalm 139:14 “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Consider this today’s reminder that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You really are! Just in case no-one has reminded you of that, recently 😉

Whiteboards and erasable markers somehow feel nice and safe to play around with when I’m attempting a new lettering style. Google has been my friend as I figure out how best to create the image that’s in my head, letter by letter. It’s been both fun and therapeutic to see what emerges.

I created this one for our family to enjoy as a reminder, since it’s one of our favourite verses. That was a few months ago, and I’m quite surprised to say that it’s still there – although I confess it now sports a few smudges from lying around in an active household!

Whatever you’re up to today, may the truth of this verse truth ring through your mind and heart.

Kristy x

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