Thursday 26 March, 2020 : a day for the history books. Today is New Zealand’s official “day 1” of lockdown. With the inspiration of a good friend of mine, I’m starting thirty days of thankfulness. Rather than chronicling the details of each day of lockdown for our household (or bubble, as NZ calls it), I’m looking for ways to choose at least one thing to be thankful for. Every day.

As we enter four weeks of full quarantine, I’m thankful for unexpected times with cousins in the lead-up. I’m thankful for those who are working tirelessly in the frontlines of essential business to support all of us at home. I’m thankful for online video chats, games and connection with family tonight, for technology that enables us to connect with friends, and for three girls with sparkling eyes and so, so much enthusiasm.

It may not all be perfect, or go perfectly and there have certainly been some tears involved for what “should be” (especially with some significant family events that have been hugely affected). Even so, we’re here in the middle, muddling through one day at a time, and trusting that everything will be ok. Plus there’s a fun project that our family has started together to bring a smile to people’s faces… but more on that another time!

Kristy x

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