Monday 6 April. (Side note: I wrote this a day late because we were practising being “in the moment” for hubby’s big 4-0 celebration here yesterday).  I know I’ve already mentioned him in one of my thankfulness posts, but please bear with me and keep reading as I elaborate and expand on more reasons why I’m thankful…

I realised amid our family craziness (aka birthday fun) yesterday, that Mike celebrating his 40th means that he & I officially first dated just over half his life ago!  I honestly can’t imagine my life without this man. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be nearly half as funny, that’s for sure!!

For those who haven’t heard our love story, our dating life 20yrs ago lasted a mere 4mths before I got cold feet, and backed out (sorry honey… I was young, what can I say?) I actually said to our youth pastor aloud (when asked) that “it would be a miracle” if anything else ever happened between Mike and I! (Disclaimer: I did also state that our God is a God of miracles!) Long story short, our friendship wore a lot of pain and tears and distance over the years, until finally, 5yrs on, I came to my senses (amid silent “told-you-so”s from my nearest and dearest – I swear I was clueless!) and fell for him all over again, this time knowing there was no going back.

It took his poor, broken heart quite some time to come around and realise that I was for real this time. Side note: my conversation on a long kayaking trip with a mutual friend (you know who you are!) about all the reasons why I was NOT falling for him and we were NOT compatible didn’t help… I proceeded to completely unconvince myself, and so fully convince her, that when a thoroughly muddled Mike then asked her for advice, she promptly assured him that I felt nothing for him!

That notwithstanding, the rest is history! And yes, that friend became one of our bridesmaids, and our photographer even used the words, “miracles happen!” in our album after hearing all the speeches!

In all seriousness, I’m actually so grateful to God for the years that led up to our marriage, and the solid foundation on which it was built, as a result. I won’t say the lead-up was easy – because it wasn’t – but we entered our wedding day very much in love, with no rose-tinted glasses. Our love was based on the reality that we had already supported each other through some challenging times, we knew what we looked like in old scruffs and un-tamed hair, we shared a deepening love of God and commitment to each other, and this was it, for life. Each of our vows state, “you are the one that makes my heart smile…” and to this day, I’m thankful to say, that is still the case. Every day we choose each other, all over again.

Yes we have our moments and (occasionally) drive each other nuts, but every night we pray together and do our best make sure that the sun doesn’t go down on any disagreements, even if that means we simply agree to disagree. I’m thankful to God for the “better half” that He has given me, and that He knew best, and has used even the tough stuff for our good, in the end.

Today my prayer for each of you, as we face “tough stuff” worldwide, is that you will be able to see the good around you in the middle of it all. Even if your journey has brought you to tears (and I’m sure that describes each of us at different points along the way, myself included) and the way is no longer clear, may you be graced with what you need to be “in the moment” today. Each of those moments matters. You matter. And your courage to face each day hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Kristy x

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