Tuesday 7 April. There’s this tree outside our house – anyone who’s ever been here will know the one I mean – that I truly love. You have to understand that we live in a two-storey home on the side of a hill, and this particular tree reaches higher than our roof. It adds to the character of the place, brings depth to the views, and oh, the birds! This past almost-two-weeks there have been more birds than ever hopping about in the branches, perching and resting awhile, sometimes silently and other times warbling in birdsong for all to hear. It’s like the perfect show, straight from our lounge room window. Or from our deck. Today two Kereru stopped by, watching, waiting for who knows what, but providing for us the perfect reason pause and enjoy watching God’s creation on display. I’m so thankful for this tree (and trying very hard not to think of the fact that it may well need to come down one day… here’s hoping there will be no need for that any time soon!!)

Do you have a favourite part of your garden or view that you’re appreciating at the moment?

Kristy x

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1 Comment

day 29 : grace for the moment - Choosing Thankfulness · April 23, 2020 at 4:38 pm

[…] involved hubby, our girls, our favourite towering tree (yup, the very same tree that featured on Day 13) and some strops. Who knew that we had the perfect makings of a swing in the very front of our […]

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