Saturday 11 April. You’ll have to read a bit to get to the ‘thankfulness’ part today, but please bear with me! My older two daughters have been asking me to please let you all know that they have entered a Lockdown Readathon (run by Lisa Mackenzie at Hope and Joy Ministries), to raise money for communities in Nepal. Like NZ, Nepal is now in lockdown. And for the communities whose pastors Lisa is connected with, this literally means that they have nothing, and no way out.

If you would like to sponsor them (they’re aiming for 25-30 books each over a two week period), please get in touch. You can find out more here: That said, I’ve hesitated to write about this (for nearly a week!) because I’m so aware that it’s a really tricky time (financially and in general) for everyone right now. Please know that your thoughts and prayers for those around the world (including here in NZ) who have been negatively impacted by this global pandemic would also be valued!

In our family we use the term, “first world problems,” when complaining about something that, in truth, isn’t that complaint-worthy. Not when there are people who go without the necessities of life like food and shelter (let alone human comfort), people who don’t understand what it truly means to be safe because danger = home, and people whom something like a “lockdown” could literally mean that they lose their life. This is a reality for people all over the world.

This brings me to my thankful post for today. I’m thankful for those who reach out to the marginalised to offer hope where there otherwise might be none. In countries around the world but also here in NZ. Each of us is just one person, but if we can make a little bit of a difference to someone in need, then each of those little somethings count.

All that said, if the difference you’re making right now is about meeting the needs of those in your bubble, please know that that, too, counts!

Kristy x

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