Friday 24 April. Well, just like that, we’re up to the thirtieth day of thankfulness! I’d like to say that time has flown… but to be fair, it’s been a pretty even spread of both slow and fast days here. You’ve already heard about some of the harder ones, so today, I’d love to leave this 30 day challenge on a high note.

I’m thankful for friends.

I’m thankful for family.

I’m thankful for you!

And I’m thankful to God for meeting me in the middle of the mess, and bringing this blog to life. Believe me when I say that it’s not something that I could have orchestrated on my own.

While these 30 days are done, the lockdown still continues. And so does the journey. My prayer for you, in the middle, is that your day today (and every day) be filled with life, hope and lots and lots of grace.

I’d love for you to come and join me as the journey continues in my next adventure in the world of blogging: Soul Graces.

See you there!

Kristy x

P.S. Check out 30 Days of Thankfulness : A Lockdown Journey for a peek behind the scenes at what brought all of this about. (From there, you can also scroll through Days 1-30 at your leisure.)

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