It’s so often a pathway to new beginnings. Demolition, I mean.

This week, we smashed a wall. Literally!

We gathered our kids together for this momentous family occasion, and gave them each a turn with a hammer. Not your usual weekend activity, but oh so much fun!!

Why, you ask? Well, last week we secured builders (again – but that’s a whole ‘nother story) for renovation that has been on the cards for the past year, connected with replacing our heat source (yes, we just survived winter here with a non-functioning fireplace). But here’s the thing. We found out, with a mere THREE days’ notice, that they could start this week!

Our home only has the one living space, so we’re having to get creative in order for this to happen amid our ongoing citywide restrictions and careful protocols. Never a dull moment, right?!

Needless to say, it’s been a bit crazy here…

Those bricks there are an actual photo that I took this weekend. They were once a hearth, but are now making room for new memories. There’s a bittersweet pang to it, and yet excitement is in the air.

Demolition. It’s so often a pathway to new beginnings. Isn’t it?

Kristy x

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