The pounding of a mallet and the smashing of tiles has been our soundtrack these past few days. There’s a finality to the sound of the clattering crash when another tile finally comes free. Beneath the surface is the messy evidence of where it once was.

And, until the new flooring comes, we’ll be living in the brokenness of where we once stepped.


The juxtaposition of what was,

what is, and what will be.

So often, it’s the path to wholeness.

To healing.

There’s hope, even in the broken pieces. Hope that even now – even this – can bring a new start. So much of life reflects this, when you look around.

Last week, when our building renovations were unexpectedly able to start, we were pretty sure that the budget couldn’t stretch to matching floors in our house. But, miracles happen: a lower quote than we expected turned up!

Saying goodbye to these particular tiles (and recalling the countless glasses I’ve accidentally smashed on them) has left me with a sense of awe and building anticipation.

Even now, while we’re literally living in the brokenness.

(You’ll be reassured to know that we’ve at least made enough progress since the photo I took for this image, to ensure it’s a little less dangerous for our family to walk around the house again while we wait!)

Please know this, friends. If you’re feeling broken? You’re not alone, and the path won’t end here. Wholeness will come. It takes acknowledging and dealing with the brokenness, to get there. You will, in time.

And if you’re not? Take a moment to reach out to someone who is. A kind word, a thoughtful smile, an encouraging message… you never know who might need it.

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?

Sending hugs your way, today.

Kristy x

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