It does, you know. Gratitude, I mean.

It’s so, so much more than seeing the positive in everything.

It’s learning to look at life with a new mindset.

To grow in your awareness of the present moment of the simple things.
To notice and embrace the little things.
To acknowledge the hard and your emotions about all the things,
and keep choosing thankfulness, anyway.

It’s about building ways into your life to press pause and allow yourself to be aware of the beauty that life has for you.

It’s about building practices in your life that encourage you to be fully present; fully engaged; fully here.

It’s about allowing yourself to sit with it. To process and work through grief and pain and hurt and sadness, and learning that there is still joy to be found.

It’s about finding a balance that helps your life to not feel like something you need to escape from.

The thing is, like it or not, tears and thankfulness so often go hand in hand. When you grieve loss, you’re honouring the memories that you hold. You can be thankful for something even while the act of remembering brings you pain. Life is just not cut and dried. Or all or nothing. It is what it is, and you were designed to experience it – all of it – fully.

So what are some simple ways that you can bring the practice of gratitude into your life? Try these:

What other simple practices help you to keep a gratitude mindset, no matter what you face?

Let us know – it might be exactly what someone else needs to hear.

Kristy x

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