You read that right.

It’s both-and.

Your to-do list may be long,
but you can breathe deep
and pace yourself,
amid all the things.

You can plan ahead
AND slow down.

You can have a full schedule
AND pace yourself through it.

You can do less
AND experience fullness.

You can think ahead
AND embrace present moments.

You can be caught in a crazy day
AND pause to catch your breath.

You can sigh AND you can look up.

Slow your breathing.
Slow your thinking.
Slow your steps.
Slow your pace.
Slow down.

It’s about finding grace for your soul in the middle of life in all its fullness.

Let’s choose to live a little slower today, shall we?

Kristy x

Find help for living a little slower (and thinking thankfully), here.
Find more breathing room for your soul, here

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