As I ponder how grace has evidenced itself today, and how I might share that with you, I’m looking out my windows to see the sun streaming in. From our home on the side of a hill, I look towards the horizon: a seemingly endless stretching line of shadowed mountains and hills, far in the distance. Below me, a parade of houses, treetops, winding roads. A little further off, the almost-glistening greyish blue water of the harbour. With the wind catching the trees and shuffling the shades of green on the foliage around us and the birdsong in the air, I let the breeze flutter in my hair and take a moment to catch my breath. To just breathe. That quiet, inner-sigh-kind-of-breath that I can feel seep right through me.

May you, too, find a moment to just breathe today.

Kristy x

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