Sometimes a picture can be worth a million words ❤️

The concept of a different perspective is one that hits home for us all, isn’t it? We can spend our lives looking at what we don’t have or what we’re aiming for, and end up missing what is right in front of our eyes.

This particular image is one that I created (thanks to an amazing range of free photos that are available) to go with this quote. I spent quite some time putting it together, then second guessed myself, wondering if it was too “in your face” when it came to the concept of choosing thankfulness and my blog name. But it got the nod from hubby, so I decided to put my brave on, and publish it. You can imagine my shock and surprise when it went viral!

Wherever this finds you today, may you find yourself encouraged and inspired to see all that you already have, here and now.

And may you find yourself altering your own perspective, and choosing thankfulness.

Kristy x

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