I lean my head back and sigh. 

The kind of prolonged breath that reaches deep into your being and tugs at the edges of your heart.  No one soul can carry the weight of the world, and yet sometimes it’s far too easy to think that you’re the only one who can.


My gaze floats to the distance.  Cars move like ants in a line, one behind the another, faithfully following from one curve to the next.  Dutifully ducking amid trees and canopied roads; up hills, through neighbourhoods, around empty lots and grassy fields. 


From here, a car seems so miniscule, and a factory barely reaches the size of my thumbnail.  How much smaller am I, who captures this panorama in my gaze?  

I watch those tiny specks glide down a lane beside large expanses of accumulating industrial buildings.  Each one moving through shadows without flinch or pause. 

I, too, have a path to follow.
One small step at a time.  

And yet, when shadows cross my path, why am I so quick to focus on them?  

To stop in my tracks, dig my toes in?  
To silently scream at the imposing heaviness that dares to darken my way?  

I’m reminded that shadows are simply something that blocks the light.  In and of themselves they have no power, except for that which I give them.  

The light is no less present; the challenge lies with my ability to perceive it.  

I consider this, as I watch this eclectic row of ants continue on, the road stretching before them for as long as the eye can see.


My gaze shifts.  Above the teeming fleets, clouds perch in an indecisive sky of undetermined colour.  Soft puffs nestled against a bluish aura, merging with the muted, misty grey of the mountain ranges beyond.  


A bird flits by, caught on the breeze, landing for a moment on a topmost branch before it alights again, and travels on.  Glinting windscreens catch the light then disappear from view, vehicles marching ever onward.  


I breathe another sigh.
No less deep, but the weight has shifted.  

This moment to
seek perspective,
notice my surroundings
and pause
has reset my soul.

I release a thankful breath and lift my heart to the One who knows me.  

To my Creator who knew that this view from my window
would be the breathing room my soul needed today.  

I let it change me.  
I let Him change me.

Before my eyes, the clouds deepen and darken.  
Mist has turned into spattered rain, now dancing insistently on my window panes.

The world below is almost hidden from view beneath descending fog.

Even so, I choose to step back into this day,


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Thankful for you,

Kristy x

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