Our garden needs a lot of work. And I mean, a lot. We are surrounded by hedges reaching haphazardly towards the sky, nonchalantly nodding their leaves at the patchy grass below. Being on a hill, the landscaping of our yard is loosely terraced, somewhat overgrown, and boasts evidence of a recent (extensive) war with an ivy weed. Hubby has been working tirelessly, chopping back the leafy foliage, trimming trees, vines and loosening the once-gathered stones from the grip of decaying roots. In the middle of it all, while he’s (literally) knee deep in branches, in our yard – everywhere – is mess. And chaos!

But even right in the middle of the chaos, beauty can be found. Tucked in a sweet little bush, right in the middle of it all, hubby noticed a single, white, blooming flower.

Today marks the beginning of the next stage of our lockdown here in NZ: Level 3. Not much has changed apart from an opening up of the economy online. For our family, with an immune suppressed individual, we’re still keeping to our own four walls and are thankful for the support of friends who are helping with groceries and so on. We’re not quite sure exactly what will unfold from here, and the struggles have been real. The chaos is real.

We have, however, experienced beauty in the mix, too. Doing my 30 Days of Thankfulness posts helped me to practise noticing beauty in the middle of the mess and in the mundane. The beauty is also real. All we have to do, is notice.

Today’s Soul Grace is a reminder to take time in your day to notice the beauty that is emerging. To spot the little things. To smell the roses, as it were. It’s something I’m doing my best to practise, (although as we all know, some days are certainly easier than others)!

Today, what will you notice, even in the middle of the chaos?

Kristy x

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Soul Grace #5 : a psalm - Choosing Thankfulness · April 29, 2020 at 3:57 pm

[…] I’ll be honest with you, my emotions are all over the place. But even so, there is still beauty in the chaos. This morning, I found myself comforted by the reminder that no matter what floods […]

Soul Grace #12 : beauty - Choosing Thankfulness · May 19, 2020 at 4:45 pm

[…] around me. There’s the choice to see beauty in the everyday (even the mundane), recognise beauty in the chaos and find beauty in simplicity. But today I’m talking about beauty that you see, or […]

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