It’s not linear.

Thankfulness – or life, for that matter.

Feeling thankful is only part of the story.

Choosing to think thankfully is exactly that: a choice. One that only you can make.
And somehow, there’s a greater depth to that decision when it’s made even in the face of challenges. Don’t you think?

Feeling thankful is only part of the story.

Last year for our family, was hard. Really hard. Enough so, that right now looking ahead into a whole new year feels like too much, too soon. So the motto remains: one small step at a time.

What does that mean? Well, conversations this month have sounded a lot like this…

“How’s your new year going?”
“One small step at time.”

Do you know the feeling? Are you familiar with the tension of noticing the little things, being thankful in all the things… but also that some days that can feel like a fight? A relentless wrestle that reaches into your innermost being?

I’m here to remind you that it’s worth it.
It’s worth finding those things to be thankful for.

Just like – in the same breath – it’s important to sit with, and truly feel, the emotions that are whirling within you. Both matter. Neither are more important than the other. Yes: it may mean that some days feel more like a rollercoaster. It may mean that some days you’re floating on air, and other days you feel like you’re barely standing.

Yet, my friend, all of it counts.

You are not alone.

Feeling thankful is only part of the story.
Because, you see – choosing thankfulness is a way of life.

Because, you see – choosing thankfulness is a way of life.

It’s out of this that I’ve created something for you. 30 thoughtful prompts for thinking thankfully. A month’s worth of ways to stay thankful, right in the middle of everything you have going on. Not the kind that you have to race to keep up with, but the kind you can gently amble through at your own pace.

It’s about noticing the little things.
Appreciating the big things.
Waiting in the journeying.
Walking through the hard things.
Celebrating the amazing things.
And wandering through all the things,
on this not-so-linear road.

You always, always have permission to choose.

As you do? Remember that I’m right here, choosing thankfulness alongside you.

One small step at a time.

Thankful for you,

Kristy x

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