In life, there will always be shadows.

But the way your face is turned, will determine what you notice most.

Helen Keller lost both her hearing, and her sight, to meningitis before she turned two. Her life is a story of defying the odds.

And yet, she says this!

So many times in my life I have been drawn back to this quote. It’s one I learnt as a young girl, and it stuck. And today, her words still resonate.

May you be reminded of this when your shadows feel menacing or overwhelming or like they’re just. Too. Much.

Take a moment to close your eyes. Even if you can’t see the sun, chances are you might be able to feel a hint of it’s warmth on your face.

And if you can’t yet, trust that you will.

Because the shadows wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for the sun.

Because the sun always, always emerges again.

And because your face is now turned, ready to notice.

Kristy x

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