No matter where you find yourself, or what you’re in the middle of, always remember that you matter. You were created to be you. God doesn’t make mistakes! And, while you’re pondering that, perhaps you might appreciate a peek at a piece of wall art we have in our house that is somewhat of a motto here…

Need I say more?!

Note that step #2 above says, “be” amazing. Not “do” amazing things, just “be.” Whether you’re still in your pyjamas or dressed up in a suit for work. Whether you’ve packed masses of productivity into your day or have only just managed to make it through. Whether you’re looking forward to tomorrow, or dreading it. Whether you feel like it’s been a good day, a bad day, or somewhere in between…

Be amazing, by being YOU. You are amazing!

I hope that you know that, and will be reminded of it tonight as you crawl into bed, so you can rest in that knowledge. So you can wake up and be amazing again tomorrow. Because, in the wise words of Dr Seuss:

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you.

Be encouraged!

Kristy x

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