When I sit down to write, this is what I see. Well, this is really just a small snapshot of one angle of my view… but you get the idea. I love the vibrant golden-orange of our grapefruit tree (which, unfortunately, fruits right where you see it here… in line with our second storey windows!) with its lush green leaves and the backdrop of the crisp, clear blue skies. Today it seemed to speak to me of abundance.

A life in which I can pause and appreciate the beauty around me, is an abundant life. I see leaves of all colours coating the ground, trees fruiting in season, cloudless skies and a horizon stretching out farther than I can see.

But sometimes, equally as abundant, are those grey, smokey clouds and striking rain with a mist obscuring my view. Yet those drops of water make all the difference to dry, parched land and crops that beg for moisture. Abundant. According to who?

I love one of the definitions of abundance in the Cambridge dictionary: overflowing fullness. It conjures up images of gardens with a vast array of flowers spilling over fences, creeping along the ground and spreading as far as the eye can see. Full, and overflowing.

What do you experience in abundance? Or, more accurately, what kind of abundance do you tune in to? Is your cup half empty, or half full? Are you abounding in impatience, or patience? If you’re with kids today, are you noticing extensive mess, or elaborate creativity?

Abundance describes God’s love for me, and for each of you. 1 John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!”

Today, I’m loving the colour of that prolific citrus tree… and not focusing so hard on the fact that they are all so close, yet beyond my reach. Both because they’re still ripening and it isn’t their time yet, but also quite literally… they’re a loooooong way up.

Abundance. There’s so much around us. What will you tune in to today? What will you allow to overflow?

Kristy x

P.S. I just realised that Soul Grace #22 has (unintentionally) coincided with today’s date: 22 June. How neat is that!

Not sure what this is all about? Learn more about Soul Graces here.

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