I love op shopping. It’s like a treasure trove: you never quite know what you’ll find, or what each store holds, unless you walk in and experience it for yourself. I’ve mentioned before that I love finding ways to add beauty to my home. It turns out that op shops can be quite helpful when it comes to an affordable change in decor!

I’ll let you in on a little secret… almost everything in the photo that I used as my original theme on Choosing Thankfulness was originally sourced at a secondhand store. In fact, I used a photo was never purposefully taken to be used here. It was one I took after I a shopping trip, after arranging and rearranging my finds, to share with friends. A trip that was specifically tailored to finding some “pretty” things that would inspire my girls as we started our homeschool year. At the time, I had no idea I would be starting a blog this year, let alone that the photo I had snapped that day would feature!

But why mention this now? Well, today’s photo contains in it a little plaque with a message on it – simply printed on card and placed in a wooden stand – that I happened across on one of my op shopping sprees. It came with a set of printed cards, all with different sayings that I’ve loved so far, and this particular one has caught my eye recently, every time I look at it.

Embrace your story.

I think it takes a tremendous amount of patience and self-awareness to truly embrace your own story. Because to me, it means that you face the good and the bad, the things you love about yourself and the things you struggle with, and you accept that each aspect of who you are, tells a story. That’s not to say that you don’t have any growing and changing to do – because we all do. But, along the way, you choose to embrace the story that you are living. And in doing so, you embrace your whole self, including who you are when others aren’t looking. And perhaps even when you’re not looking, yourself.

What is your self talk like? Do you remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Every so often I hear one of my girls berate themselves intensely over something, and there are a few times when I’ve stopped them in their tracks to say, “don’t say that about my daughter!” Which has led me to think: isn’t that what God says about us? When we kick ourselves, berate ourselves, or only see what is negative about ourselves, God is looking on, saying, “don’t say that about my creation!”

There’s something I need to tell you about today’s photo. I confess that I cropped it. Because the walls in our house are… um… a little tired. So the original image showed, loud and clear, a lovely wee rip in the wallpaper. Somehow it seemed appropriate to admit that, and share the actual image here. Because if you’re embracing your story – and I’m embracing mine – then it means that we accept things as they are. Rips, tears and all.

(And while we’re on the topic of being real? The printed card that I picked for the other side currently says: “Life happens. Coffee helps.” Because my story definitely includes coffee!)

My prayer for you today is that you would be able to fully embrace your story. You were purposefully made and created to be you: unique, one of a kind and oh so very loved. Wherever you are in your story, may you know that today. May you be reminded of all that you have overcome to get to where you are, and may you move forward in the hope and grace that comes from embracing your story, and living it with all that you are.

Kristy x

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