Recently, as we gathered with family, conversation took a natural turn toward recollections of childhood antics. Between stifled giggles and story upon story, I sat transfixed. Thoroughly absorbed in the memories unfolding. One thought would lead to another, which in turn would lead to another. Each family member would have another wee snippet to add until the whole room was engaged. It was almost as if those moments were brought back to life for a few more minutes, if only in the hearts and shining faces of those in the room.

When was the last time you fully gave yourself time to reminisce? To sit back and let memories fill your heart, mind and soul and take you back to times past? There can be such healing in allowing yourself time to sit with those thoughts as they come, unbidden, one by one. Or as you share stories between old friends, laughing at the audacity of your youth. What a gift it is, to be able to pause and remember.

I think there’s something so powerful about memories. In a culture where it is so easy to be moving constantly with our eyes tuned forward, staying focused on the next goal, memories are a chance to slow down. There’s a uniqueness about memories, too: no two are exactly the same. Everyone has a story to share, mistakes they’ve made, lessons they’ve learned, experiences they’ve had along the way.

The Bible is a collection of memories, and a reminder throughout of the faithfulness of God towards those He loves. One such story, in Joshua 4, is when God stopped the flow of the water and led the Israelites miraculously through the river Jordan. Afterwards, Joshua instructed them to place memorial stones in the river, to remember. To recall God’s faithfulness to come through for them, even in the face of adversity.

Do you have any memorial stones that you’ve placed in your life? Perhaps it’s an album of photos – digital or physical. Or a piece of art. Or an item of clothing, or something you’ve been given by someone you love. It might be something you’ve collected, created or purchased along the way.

Last year we made and printed a digital album titled “Our Building Adventure” to chronicle the story from our house fire, to its repair. It was a long and tricky road through that particular season, but I wanted a tangible reminder for me – and my family – that our God is bigger than anything we face. It was actually an incredibly powerful exercise, because as I collated and documented the process, I became so much more aware of the many blessings that had emerged in the midst of it all.

That’s the power of taking time to remember. When we do, we continue to learn and grow from what came before.

My prayer for you today is that you’ll be able to find time to remember. To see God’s faithfulness through your own journey. To reminisce fondly. Not just the good, but all of it. And that as you do, you’ll grow even more aware of what you have to be thankful for.

Because those memories? They are a part of who you are, and the story you have to share with the world. And that story – and who you are – matters.

Kristy x

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