Hope is soaked in rainbows. They bring delightful stories of leprechauns and gold, of chasing adventure and of bravehearted souls. And they carry the story of Noah and his family, whom God graced with seeing the very first rainbow. For him it was a promise of the joy that follows tears: the promise that the flooding would last no more, that God was still in control, and that it was time to exit the ark and step into the great beyond. It’s a promise that we continue to live out today.

I love that this promise mattered to God enough that He created a visual reminder to fill the skies. One for Noah, but also for us. He never ignores the tough bits, but instead embraces them. After all, a rainbow couldn’t even exist if it weren’t for the rain. There’s always hope on the horizon. That’s how much you matter to our Creator.

As I gazed out my window on a somewhat-dreary, mostly-grey day recently, this rainbow shared it’s brilliance, between raindrops. It was as if the sky itself started to dance and find a new shade of blue in response. There’s something beautiful about the childlike delight that spotting a rainbow can inspire. When’s the last time you saw one, and let it delight you?

Kristy x

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