There’s a stream of glistening water waiting for you. Calling your name. Beckoning you to stop for a moment; to dip your hands and drink.

To lay down the worry; the busy; the hurry. And to exchange it for rest.

For stillness.

For a moment of restoration in a lush meadow.

And the promise? Your soul, restored.

Breathe that in for a moment: can you feel it?

Psalm 23 v 1-3
The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.

The God who created you, promises to restore you. All you need to do, is let Him. My prayer for you today is that you’ll recognise the peace His still waters bring, right where you are.

Kristy x

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