When did you last create something, purely because you enjoy the process of creating? Today, at hubby’s direction, we spent some time looking into the purpose of dopamine. At how easy it is to get caught up in activities that provide a high dopamine hit for low effort, especially in the technological world in which we live. Things like trawling social media, checking for text messages, watching Netflix and playing games on screens. I know I’ve been guilty of it myself! And with growing young people at home, I have to wonder if I’m being the best example.

I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you that one of my many ponderings lately has been around what it is that I can do, create, or make that encourages imagination and creativity. I tend to be quite task-oriented, myself, and if I can’t find the right reason to make something, I’m a whole lot less likely to do it. But what if the purpose of the activity is to enjoy the process itself? Like knitting, embroidery or a good puzzle. Even so, what should I pick – and more importantly, do I have the patience to teach myself the new skills I probably need, to do so? Because willingness to try new things and make mistakes are skills and attitudes that I’d really like to pass on to the next generation.

Pursuing my love of writing, and encouraging others, by way of this blog has been one of the more recent side effects of these kinds of ponderings. I’ve had a few projects on the go over lockdown that have turned out to be quite therapeutic for me – not just in their completion, but also in the process along the way. Yesterday my girls and I pulled out some board games (something I’ve loved doing since I was a little girl) and played them together. Today I realised that an e-book we’d borrowed would return itself tomorrow so spent the afternoon reading half of it aloud (we’re all hanging on for the ride, it’s hilarious!) with plans to finish it before bedtime tonight. I guess what I’m saying by listing all this is, I’m trying to do what’s in my hand to do. Without making it an intensive “task” based focus, and in such a way that I’m appreciating being in the moment. (In this moment, it’s also a helpful distraction as we wait for the next news announcement, today, surrounding level 2 coming into effect!)

I’d love to hear what some of the things are that you love to do, or wish you could do, or have tried over the last while. Perhaps you can spur me on to try something new!

Kristy x

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1 Comment

Soul Grace #19 : consider - Choosing Thankfulness · June 9, 2020 at 5:09 pm

[…] about interacting with it somehow, even if that’s only in your own thinking and pondering. Capturing it somehow in art, words or stories are also ways to consider something. Journaling. Allowing […]

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