Your invitation to breathe…

Do you ever find yourself run off your feet: your mind busy and your body moving at a rapid pace but the rest of you hasn’t quite caught up?

I know I do. It’s so easy to overlook our hearts and souls when we’re constantly rushing. Because honestly, for me, no matter what else is going on, I can guarantee you that my mind is racing more than the rest of me ever does. Does this resonate with you, too?

It’s that exact sensation, that brings me to the concept of soul grace. Grace for the soul. We live in a busy world. From one thing to the next, it is just SO easy to march ever onwards without pressing pause. I have come to realise how important it is to stop. Even if just for a moment. And how refreshing that can be for the soul. To experience grace, and rest, right in the middle. Grace for your Soul is about leaning into grace, together, as we continue to find ways to choose thankfulness.

Our journey started with 30 Days of Thankfulness, and now? I’m here to point you toward grace. Grace for the moment. Grace for each moment. Grace for now. Grace in the middle. Grace through the ups and downs.

The grace to find ways to be thankful, in the first place.
The grace to choose thankfulness.

I’m thankful for the grace that defines my life: for the way in which I have been drawn to my Creator by the grace that He extends to me. I’m also thankful for the grace that we are given in each moment. Grace for the moment brings us laughter amid the tears, beauty in the thick of pain, and hope to cling to when we’re stuck in the middle. (And even when we’re not!)

You encounter soul graces every day. Moments that provide you with space to breathe, and wonder, in the centre of it all. Consider this an exercise, if you will, as I choose to take the time to focus on these moments in my own life, and share that journey with you. You’ll find daily doses of this over on our Facebook page, where I invite you to come and connect with our thriving community.

My prayer is that as I do, you will also experience a grace that is soul deep. That your load might, for a moment, be lightened. And that as a result, you might find it a little easier in your own journey, to choose thankfulness.

So once again, from my heart to yours… come and join with me in the meaderings of a muse in the middle of the mess. And as always, I would love to hear from you along the way.

Let’s find grace for our souls as we choose thankfulness, together.

Thankful for you!

Kristy x

Grace for your soul

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    The sun will always set, and it will always rise again. When it’s been *that* kind of week, and you’ve got no choice but to keep moving forward… but you decide to pull over on the side of the road for a moment, and soak in the sunset. Isn’t it […]
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  • defiant joy
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  • pause
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  • just breathe
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  • to remember
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