Have you ever thought about the fact that sometimes it takes a tremendous amount of strength to rest? Sometimes it takes a lion’s strength to say ‘no’ to your never-ending to-do list. It takes strength to set time aside in an already-busy schedule. It takes strength to pare your calendar down to what is really needed, not just wanted. It takes strength to recognise the intrinsic need we each have to find grace for our souls as we go about our lives.

In the story of creation, we’ve all heard that on the seventh day, God rested.  But have you ever stopped to think that, on the seventh day, He didn’t just rest, He created rest?  So when you rest, you’re actually doing something that you were specifically created for.  Oh how freeing that is to get your head around!  

As a young mum, I would consider it a win if I managed to sit for ten minutes with a cup of coffee (even if I didn’t manage to finish it) before a child called for me again. Even so, consciously taking that ten minutes, or however long it worked out to be, for ‘me’ (without allowing any feelings of guilt at all the other jobs piling up) truly was grace for my soul. And sometimes still is! It’s about finding the strength to choose rest in the middle of it all.

Rest is about finding ways to attend to the things that allow your soul to be refreshed. How rest looks for you will be as unique as your personality, and the season that you’re in.

Have you considered the importance of pausing between commitments. Of allowing downtime that’s not just about preparing for the next thing. Of the difference it can make if you take even just five minutes to be truly still, before pressing on? That’s rest.

What does rest look like for you right now?

Do you have to catch moments when you can throughout your days? Do you plan regular breaks or holidays from your routine? Is it a mixture of both?

Are you the one who is helping your own family to learn the concept of rest, and finding ways to build that into your lives?

Or are you, perhaps, in a season of life where you can plan to actually set aside at least one day out of every seven to pursue rest?

No matter what season we are in, our hearts can find true rest when we trust in the One who created us. I love the promise of Psalm 28:7…

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.

Wherever this finds you, my prayer for you is that you will find the strength, with God’s help, to rest. To find ways to build rest into your life. After all, you were created to need it, and that’s no weakness!

Kristy x

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