This day? The day the photos below were snapped? It was hard. We walked our children through unexpectedly farewelling a beloved pet and laying her to rest.
This day was also beautiful. We gathered with family who had finally managed to visit from Australia after nearly 3yrs of trying, and wrapped one another in hugs.
This day was joyous. I became an aunt again! And we oohed and ahhed over the cutest of baby photos and began counting the days until real snuggles and hellos.

And this day was messy. Together we buried our much-loved guinea pig as the sun set behind us in painted hues.

This was just one day,
caught in the middle of many.
Some days have no words.
Some days are all words.
And this one?
Was hard.
But beautiful.
All we can do?
Is live each moment,
one breath at a time.
The hard ones;
the beautiful ones;
all of them.
Kristy x