Wednesday 8 April. I have great respect for Sarah Mackenzie: author, blogger, podcast-er (if that’s a thing?!) and homeschool mum extraordinaire. In particular, I’ve appreciated this book of hers, “Teaching from Rest.” It’s simple, practical and incredibly encouraging – and perhaps also a helpful tool right now for those who unexpectedly have their kids at home!

Her blog is always an inspiration to read, you can check it out at:

Coming from the perspective of finding an attitude of peace and rest in everyday life, she’s quick to remind us that it’s ok if we don’t have everything it takes, because God does. Teaching from Rest is only a little book, but I’m thankful that I can take my time re-reading it at the moment to catch a few more gems. Turns out that it’s been the perfect time to be reminded that life is so often about the little things!

Kristy x

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Teresa Matheson · April 13, 2020 at 3:20 am

Thanks for your encouraging words. I’m sure they will be a blessing to many.

    choosingthankfulness · May 14, 2020 at 2:06 pm

    Thanks Teresa, you’re so welcome. I hope and pray that will be so! Kristy x

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