Notice – are your muscles relaxed right now or tense? Is your breathing deep and relaxed, or are you taking short, shallow breaths? Are you able to read this leisurely, or do you feel you need to get through it quickly? Most of the day we simply plow through a myriad of diverse tasks, checking boxes, “getting stuff done.” It frazzles the soul, so we look to all our “comforters” to calm down. But I know my salvation is not in the frappuchino nor the fudge. So I… return to a practice that’s become an absolute lifesaver:

The One Minute Pause.

I simply take sixty seconds to be still and let everything go.

I pray, “Jesus, I give everyone and everything to you.” I keep repeating it until I feel like I’m actually releasing and detaching… all I’m trying to accomplish right now is a little bit of soul space.

an excerpt from Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge

It’s amazing how freeing it can be to consciously pause, and focus on letting go. In my own personal journey with chronic pain, I’ve had to learn how to not only mentally, but physically, press pause. To truly stop. Even now, when I do (never as often as I should, mind you!) I am often surprised to realise quite how many muscle groups are tensed up, unrelenting, until they are finally given permission to release. One, by one. (Although since the author above didn’t specifically mention chocolate, I’m sure that could help too… right?!!)

Joking aside, will you take a moment to pause with me today – try it for a full, timed sixty seconds if you can – and allow yourself to experience this soul grace?

Kristy x

Not sure what this is all about? Learn more about Soul Graces here.

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