It’s all about the WHY.

Last week, I very nearly took a break.
You know why? Because I was tired.
All the way down to my toes, tired.
And weary. You know, the kind of weary
that makes your steps feel heavy.
And very, very stretched.

But as I crafted a post, writing and re-writing the words to you that would explain my absence, do you know what I realised?

That this,
right here,
is what I’m about.

That this,
right here,
is what brought me to you in the first place.

It’s WHY I’m here.

And last week?
I didn’t need to escape thankfulness,
I needed to run toward it.

Because ups and downs come our way,
no matter what.

And thankfulness changes things,
no matter what.

This week I’ve been so grateful for you.
For being here.
For making this community what it is.
For staying the course.

And for reminding me to
choose thankfulness,

Here in the hard.
Here in the challenge.
Here in the grief.
Here in the joy.
Here in the hope.
Here in the little things,
the big things,
and everything in between.

So, for now, I’m not taking a break.
I’ll keep posting on Facebook and Instagram daily, inasmuch as I can.

I’ll keep responding to comments, even if it takes me a little longer than normal.

But I might be borrowing a little inspiration and leaning toward sharing more posts from other beautiful, hope-soaked pages for a time.

Because that way we’ll all continue to be encouraged as I find ways to catch my breath, here in the middle.

Together, let’s remember the WHY.

Thankful for you,

Kristy x

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Teresa · July 21, 2022 at 8:30 pm

Thank you for making the effort. Thank you for finding a way to send encouragement to my inbox. Thank you for holding on to who God created you to be. May you know His blessing as you read this.

    choosingthankfulness · August 2, 2022 at 9:43 am

    You are so welcome, my friend. I’m encouraged to hear that this reached you when you needed it. Sending a hug your way! ❤️

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