There are times when it’s important to slow down, breathe, find moments to rest where you are and allow your soul to be restored.

And there are also moments when it’s sooooo good to sing!

Whether you can hold a tune – or not – you can sing the song that was written for you.

Only YOU can.

It’s about finding what makes your heart sing.

The other day I kept hearing the oddest, intermittent shriek and just couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t my children – although I admit that was my first assumption – and it took me while to spot the source of the noise. And noise really is the only word for it, because it certainly wasn’t a sweetly singing bird, perched there on our deck rail!

As far as I can tell after a quick google search, it’s a California Quail, although please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I know absolutely nothing about these (although how cool is their design and their markings? I love God’s creativity) but this particular one was completely content chilling there, with the odd screech rending the air as it declared its presence. I sat there for a long while, mesmerised. Look at the regal tilt of its neck that I captured at the very moment a squawk came forth, unfettered.

So, how about you? Do you allow yourself to sing (whether literally or figuratively) even if your song doesn’t look like anyone else’s – even if it doesn’t even seem to “sound” any good? Do you allow yourself to feel confident in who you are, and who you are becoming? This wee bird seemed to have it sorted, and I’d say that we can all learn from him. In Matthew, the Bible tells us that God cares about each and every bird – and cares even more for us. How encouraging to know that we are noticed. That we are chosen and loved.

It begs the question: what makes you sing? What energises you, and how are you allowing time for that in your life right now? We are all often so busy, but it’s the little things that can truly add up to make a difference. Your to-do list will always be growing, so why not take planned breathers along the way? Here are some ideas while you’re on the go…

If it’s reading that draws you, even picking up a book and reading a single page could make your heart sing today – (and have the side effect of encouraging you to find a pocket of time tomorrow and the next day, too).

Drawing? Give yourself a couple of minutes with pen and paper, and see what comes. Throw it out if you don’t want to keep it: it’s the process, the “do-ing” that’s the purpose here.

Coffee? Make one now! And if you know you’ll have children clamouring for attention, savour the smell as you prepare it and simply make the most of those first couple of sips before it gets cold.

Seeing water? Pull over somewhere with a view of the ocean – even if it’s teeny – & just look. Or flick through photos of a recent beach trip of your own and close your eyes and remember for a moment. Splash water on your face if you must!

Feeling fresh air comb through your hair? Open that window wide when you drive – or better still, step outside for a minute and just take a breath as you notice how the breeze flows across your face.

Gardening (oh if only this was me)? If time’s an issue, just see what you can do in a couple of minutes! You’ll be back for more.

Encouraging others? Pull out your phone now and type a quick uplifting message to someone who’s on your heart, to let them know you care.

Silence? Hide yourself in the pantry with earmuffs for a few minutes if that’s what it takes.

Music? Crank up a playlist of your own, or pull out that guitar or sit at that keyboard for a bit and let the music flow. It’s so healing.

There are so many other ways, each as unique as you are.

You were created to sing: to be exactly who you are. And what you love, what draws your heart is grace for your soul no matter what you’re in the middle of right now. I encourage you to find a way to sing, no matter how fleeting the moment might be.

Part of me being quiet on here recently is because I have lots of ideas brewing, and I’m waiting for the time to be right to share them with you. Because restoration, rest and rediscovering how God has designed my heart to sing is an aspect of the journey that I’m on, too. And, like you, I need to be wise with my time and focus my energy where it’s most needed – which right now, is for my family.

The rest will come. It always does, and I love seeing the way God can use the most unlikely of circumstances – and people – for His greater good. We can each only do what is in our hands to do, and trust Him with the rest. I don’t know about you, but I’m super glad that God’s in control, because that means that I don’t have to be!

Today my prayer for you is that you’d find moments to sing. That you’d find your song again, especially if it’s been lost for awhile.

Kristy x

Not sure what this is all about? Learn more about Soul Graces here.

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Hannah · November 10, 2020 at 7:02 am


    choosingthankfulness · November 19, 2020 at 5:17 pm

    Aw thanks! As I wrote this, I thought of you and the way you minister in song 💕🤗
    Kristy x

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