I was cleaning out the very top of my pantry the other day – you know, one of those spaces that ends up with things shoved on top of other things (in this case, little broken toys, party favours, vases, candles, jars, stray lollies, the last behaviour incentive system for our kids that has seen better days… you name it) that needs a good sort through every six months or so (in theory, at least!). And what do you know, we found some small containers of bubble mix. A couple of days later (to be fair, it was after I threatened to throw said bubbles out for lack of use!) the girls headed out onto the deck to blow bubbles at the brilliantly blue sky.

There’s nothing quite like blowing bubbles, is there? The delight of blowing just the right amount of air to create bubbles that swirl and fly into the heavens. They capture the light just-so and spin like miniature rainbows towards the horizon, some popping before they get there, others catching on a nearby surface with a quiet splash, and, very occasionally, one landing on a waiting finger, to linger just a little longer before relenting with a gentle pop.

I find it quite interesting that “bubble” is the official term used in NZ to describe those with whom you share your home during the nationwide lockdown. And I’ve found myself feeling thankful these past few days that bubbles are indeed made, for popping! (In their right time, that is). Whether it’s a bubble blown in the sky to float on by, or a bubble of a different kind, I think there is a fleeting kind of beauty that can be captured if you look at them in the right way.

Right now, I think that for us at least, it turns out that we are in the trickiest part of this whole pandemic situation. Level 2 is about getting back to a sense of normal, while practicing social distancing. I thought I’d be looking forward to it as another step along the road to normal. But for us, with hubby being immune suppressed, we can’t quite start spreading our wings just yet – even though, with everything in me, I would dearly love to. Which means that while we watch and hear the excitement that others have at the new freedoms that Level 2 brings (compared to the other alert levels so far, that is) we find ourselves on the fringes, not quite able to join in, even with family or our closest friends, as around us all the bubbles start to expand. It’s not forever (even if it feels like it is): we just need to wait and see what the numbers show as Level 2 unfolds. In the meantime, we’ll continue to pray and seek wisdom on what and when is best and right for us, including when it comes to hubby going back to work.

I’m reminded again of the need to choose thankfulness: to look for and focus on the things that make this particular bubble beautiful, even though it won’t be popping as soon as I’d like! Instead of focusing on what we will be missing out on (like the chance for my family to connect before my brother flies home to New York this weekend) I can choose to focus on the blessings this time has brought us. And by focusing on those, and being present in the moments, with God’s help I can allow my soul the grace to experience this bubble for all that it’s worth. To spend uninterrupted time with my family, without the constraints and expectations of the outside world, as it were.

Some of you may be in a similar position to me. Others of you may be quite nervous at what this all means, and concerned at how the coming weeks are going to work and look for you. You may be upset at the unexpected requirements that are still in place for Level 2 (after all, a maximum of 10 people for any gathering is still considerably limited) or you may be quite ok with allowing this all to unfold before you at the pace that has been set. Wherever this post finds you, I hope that you know that it’s ok to feel the way you do about it all.

And, if you get the chance any time soon, and can get your hands on some bubble mix, why don’t you give bubble blowing a go? Watch them float off to the horizon. Notice the way they hover without a care as they reflect the light, then eventually, pop.

Not sure what this is all about? Learn more about Soul Graces here.

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Sylvia · May 13, 2020 at 10:44 pm

Kristy. You have captured the bubble parallel so well. I love that you profoundly identified the end for every bubble is indeed to pop when it’s job is done.

    choosingthankfulness · May 14, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    Thanks so much for your kind words, Sylvia. I’m certainly thankful, especially in this case, that they all pop eventually! Kristy x

Hannah · May 15, 2020 at 3:37 pm

I really enjoyed reading this, Kristy! Absolutely beautiful and tugs at the heart-strings, that’s for sure x

    choosingthankfulness · May 15, 2020 at 5:01 pm

    Aw thanks, Hannah – your words bless me! It’s certainly interesting times for all of us, isn’t it?
    Kristy x

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